Blue-green algae levels decline in Craigmuir Lakes

Greater Shepparton City Council advises that the blue-green algae warning for Craigmuir Lake in Mooroopna has been removed, following a significant decline in blue-green algae levels.

The blue-green algae warning for Craigmuir Lakes was initially issued on 12 December 2024.

Council will continue to conduct regular water quality monitoring and observations throughout the year and will advise of any changes in the algal status via:

Water users and customers are advised to remain vigilant for signs of blue-green algae in all lakes, waterways and in the irrigation system, as there may be isolated patches present. Any suspected blue-green algae blooms can be reported to the hotline. 

Water supplied by Council is not suitable for human consumption without first being properly treated. Human consumption includes showering, bathing, washing, cooking, ice making and drinking.

For further information visit the Goulburn Murray Water’s website at or phone the blue-green algae hotline on (03) 5826 3785.


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