Gender Equality Action Plan
Since 2018 GSCC has confirmed its commitment to progressing gender equality through its delivery of the 2018-2020 Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan. This strategy was pivotal in creating a foundation within GSCC that support actions and better outcomes relating to Gender Equality within the organisation.
The Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 has been established in response to a broad staff consultation process, including the completion of the People Matter Survey, a series of workshops and a focus group to refine the GEAP.
The GEAP is an internal, operational document and tool to articulate a clear vision of gender equality, providing a strategic foundation through the implementation of gender equitable actions and strategies.
The Gender Equality Act 2020 commenced on 31 March 2021, aiming to improve workplace gender equality in the Victorian Public Sector, universities and local councils.
As an organisation we have an obligation to ensure our workforce is an accurate reflection of the demographics of the community we serve. The vision of the GEAP is for Council to be “a workplace that is respectful, equitable and inclusive for everyone.”
GSCC is committed to achieving this vision and goals of the GEAP and is well placed to achieve great outcomes through the cross-organisational Gender Equality Working Group.
Below you will find links to the documents mentioned in Appendix 2 of the Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025.
Workplace Gender Audit – Data
People Matter Survey Results
Quantitative Workforce Reporting
Gender Equality Action Plan – Progress Report
It is a requirement under the Gender Equality Act 2020 to publish a progress report from Council’s Gender Equality Action Plan 2021 – 2025. The data collected on progress made against the action plan’s strategies and measures and progress made against specific indicators is taken at 30 June 2023.
This progress report has also been published on the Commission for Gender Equality’s public Insights Portal.