Hearing loops/ Hearing Augmentation
The Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 provides protection for everyone in Australian against discrimination based on disability.
A key requirement under these standards is that a hearing augmentation system be provided in buildings where people assemble for:
- civic, theatrical, social, political or religious purposes; or
- educational purposes in a school, early childhood centre, preschool, etc; or
- entertainment, recreational or sporting purposes; or
- transit purposes.
Council have the following facilities with a built-in Hearing Loop/ Hearing Augmentation System: Eastbank, Council Office and Shepparton Senior Citizens.
Council also have a portable hearing loop system when required at other facilities. Please contact Council's Access and Inclusion Officer if you require this at your next Council event or facility.
Phone: 03 5832 9700
Email: council@shepparton.vic.gov.au
National Relay Service: 133 977